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How to Get Ymir’s Tear Stones in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Here's a quick guide on how to get Ymir's Tear Stones in AC Valhalla.

There are plenty of collectibles that you will find through your journey in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. One of them is Ymir’s Tear Stones. There are thousands of players who are finding it hard to get Ymir’s Tear Stones and know how does it work. If you too are having trouble getting Ymi’rs Tear Stones in AC Valhalla then this guide will explain where to find and what to do with them in the game.

How to Get Ymir’s Tear Stones in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

There are 30 Ymir’s Tear Stones that players will have to collect throughout Asgard. The best and easiest way to collect Ymir’s Tear Stones is to head over to each and every one of the gold orbs on your map, or Wealth orbs. This will highlight the location of each Ymir Stone scattered in Asgard.

Once you have reached the maker shown on your map, you need to press R3 to use Odin Sight. You are looking out for a gold glow somewhere in your surroundings. Go over there and claim the Ymir Tear Stone.

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What to Do With Ymir’s Tear Stones

If you have got one or two Ymir’s Tear Stone, then you would not be able to do anything to them as of yet. Yes, you will have to wait untill you have collected all of 30, shown on your map with a gold ‘Wealth’ marker.

After collecting all of 30 Ymir’s Tear Stones, you will have to go to an Offering Alter. You can find this on the northern-most island of Asgard, on its east side, and is marked with two hands holding a bowl.

In order to make the offering, you will have to interact with the statue. Once you have interacted with the statue, you will have to complete the ‘Mystery’ of the Offering Altar in Asgard and earn 4 skill points for completing it.

That’s all you need to know about how to get Ymir’s Tear Stones in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. While you are here, don’t miss a thing about this epic Viking saga by checking out our AC Valhalla guides on Gamer Tweak. Learn more tips and tricks about how to get Thor’s Helmet and how to earn money fast!

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