Home > Assassin's Creed Valhalla > Assassin's Creed Valhalla Madness of the Stones World Event

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Madman’s Stones: How Many Stones Mystery

Count the total number of stones.

While completing the mysteries in the Cent region in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, you will come across the Madness of the Stones world event, where you will have to count Madman’s stones. Sounds simple, right? Wait until you reach there and begin your county. It is not at all simple, in fact, it is crazy. The world event itself is very easy and can be completed within 2 minutes, but you might start doubting your math knowledge as you go by counting the stones. Here’s how you solve how many stones mystery in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla by counting the madman’s stones to complete the Madness of the Stones world event.

AC Valhalla: How to Complete the Madness of the Stones World Event

All you need to do is count Madman’s stones to complete the Madness of the Stones world event in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. However, you won’t be able to as all the time you count and give an answer to the Madman, it will be wrong.

where to find madman in ac valhalla

where to locate madman and his stones in assassin's creed valhalla

The world event will begin when you find and interact with Madman, who is located to the south of Saint Hadrian’s Priory and north of Tonbridge Monastery. The Madman will ask you to count the number of stones in the circle, but as we mentioned, you will be wrong all the time. Then how do you solve this how many stones mystery in AC Valhalla? Well, here’s how:

assassin's creed valhalla how many stones mystery

You will have to count the stones in the circle three times, of course, you will be wrong each time, but continue doing so. Once you count the numbers and answer to Madman for the third time, a cutscene will begin. After the end of the cutscene, Madman will no longer be seen anywhere; instead, you will find a stone at his location.

completing madma's stones world event in assassin's creed valhalla

This means that the Madman himself was a stone. You won’t get the exact count, but this will complete the Madness of the Stones world event.

how to complete madness of the stones world event in ac valhalla

That’s everything you need to know about how many stones mystery in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and how to count the Madman’s stones to complete the Madness of the Stones world event. There are several world events and other mysteries in Cent. Ensure to complete all of them before you leave to complete the mysteries of other areas on the map. While here, you can read our guides on how to find Small Brown Trout, Londonium Bureau Key, and complete Saint Albanes Abbey raid in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

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