Mass Effect Legendary Edition Guides - Gamer Tweak Play beyond Limit Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:30:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mass Effect Legendary Edition Guides - Gamer Tweak 32 32 Fix Mass Effect Legendary Edition Not Launching On PC Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:30:11 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Fix Mass Effect Legendary Edition Not Launching On PC for more information.

mass effect legendary edition not launching pc fix

Here's everything you can do to fix the Mass Effect LE not starting or launching issue on PC.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Fix Mass Effect Legendary Edition Not Launching On PC for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Fix Mass Effect Legendary Edition Not Launching On PC for more information.

mass effect legendary edition not launching pc fix

Getting into the Mass Effect series for the first time or all over again? The LE is an amazing remaster that is a must-play. But if you come across the dreaded Mass Effect Legendary Edition not launching error on PC, it can get quite frustrating. Fear not – here are a few troubleshooting tips you can follow to fix this problem so that you can start playing immediately.

How to Fix Mass Effect Legendary Edition Not Launching Error?

mass effect le not starting crashing

Here are the things you should be doing to resolve the Mass Effect LE not starting or launching issue.

  • Restart your PC.
  • Update your Graphics drivers.
  • Verify the Game Files via Steam and Origin.
  • Clean the Origin Cache.
  • Disable the Antivirus and Firewall temporarily or give necessary permissions.

How to Update Graphics Drivers?

For Graphics Drivers, you need to head to the official site of the manufacturer and download the latest files. After that, relaunch the game and check if it launches without issues.

How to Verify Game Files on Steam and Origin?

To verify the game file integrity on Steam and Origin, follow these steps:


  • Launch the Steam client.
  • Find Mass Effect LE in your library.
  • Right-click on it and click on Properties.
  • Click on Local files.
  • Click on Verify integrity of game files.
  • Wait until the verification process is over.
  • Re-launch the game to see if the error persists.


  • Launch the Origin client.
  • Click on My Game Library.
  • Find Mass Effect LE.
  • Right-click on it.
  • Click on Repair.
  • Then the process of file verification will begin.
  • After it’s done, relaunch the game.

How to Clear Origin Cache?

  • Close Origin if it’s running already. End tasks and close all Origin processes first.
  • Press Windows key + R.
  • Type %ProgramData%/Origin
  • Click on OK.
  • Delete all files EXCEPT LocalContent.
  • Press Windows key + R.
  • In the Roaming folder and delete the Origin folder.
  • Then click on AppData in the address bar > Local folder > Delete the Origin folder there.
  • Restart your PC.
  • Login to Origin.
  • Launch the game.

Solution on

If none of the aforementioned steps work, try this solution posted by Holger1405 on EA’s forum. This seems to have worked for some players. I am adding the exact steps below.

  • Hit Windows key and X.
  • Choose either “PowerShell (Administrator)” or “Command prompt (Administrator),” whichever option is offered.
  • Inside the PowerShell or CMD, enter “DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth” without quotes. > ENTER.
  • If errors are found, notify us. If no errors were found repeat steps 1 & 2.
  • Inside the PowerShell or CMD, enter “DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth” without quotes. > ENTER.
  • The system will start validating soon. If it throws an error, please list it here.
  • After it reaches 100%, hit Windows key and X again.
  • Again, choose “PowerShell (Administrator)” or “Command Prompt (Administrator)”
  • Inside the PowerShell or CMD, enter “sfc /scannow” without quotes. >ENTER.
  • Post the message you receive at the end of the process here.
  • Then: Restart your system.
  • Uninstall Origin.
  • Download this version of the “OriginSetup.exe”
  • Run the installer as Administrator (Right-click the “OriginSetup.exe” > Run as an Administrator) > Test.

So, there you have it! With that out of the way, take a look at more of our Mass Effect LE guides that will help you in this memorable journey.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Fix Mass Effect Legendary Edition Not Launching On PC for more information.

Mission Order List Of Mass Effect 3 Sun, 13 Jun 2021 07:48:19 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mission Order List Of Mass Effect 3 for more information.

Mission Order Mass Effect 3

This guide will give you the list of all the missions and the sequence in which you should complete them in Mass Effect 3.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mission Order List Of Mass Effect 3 for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mission Order List Of Mass Effect 3 for more information.

Mission Order Mass Effect 3

In Mass Effect 3, it is very important to have an order and a sequence in which you complete the missions in the game. This is because the hame has a wide range of main missions, side quests, and DLC missions which you do not want to miss out on. So in this guide, we will give you a list that will have the order of missions in Mass Effect 3 that you can follow.

Mass Effect 3 All the Mission Orders

Follow this sequence of mission completions to have the best gaming experience with Mass Effect 3.

Mission Order Act 1

Act 1 Order Mass Effect

  1. Priority: Earth
  2. Priority: Mars
  3. Priority: Citadel I
  4. Normandy: First Visit
  5. N7: Cerberus Labs & Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula
  6. Priority: Palaven
  7. Aria: Blood Pack
  8. Aria: Blue Suns
  9. Aria: Eclipse
  10. Citadel: Hanar Diplomat
  11. From Ashes Mass Effect 3 DLC – Priority: Eden Prime
  12. Priority: Sur’Kesh & Meet The Diplomats
  13. Grissom Academy: Emergency Evacuation & Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces
  14. Attican Traverse: Krogan Team
  15. N7: Cerberus Lab
  16. Planet Scanning Break
  17. Citadel: Hanar Diplomat
  18. Tuchanka: Turian Platoon
  19. Tuchanka: Bomb & Citadel: Cerberus Automated Turret Schematics
  20. N7: Cerberus Attack & Citadel: Improved Power Grid
  21. N7: Cerberus Abductions
  22. Priority: Tuchanka
  23. Planet Scanning

Mission Order Act 2

Mass Effect 3 Act 2

  1. Priority: The Citadel II
  2. N7: Cerberus Fighter Base
  3. Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists & Citadel: Cerberus Turian Poison
  4. Mesana: Distress Signal
  5. Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery & Citadel: Asari Widow
  6. Citadel: Volus Ambassador
  7. Omega Mass Effect 3 DLC: Citadel: Aria T’Loak
  8. Citadel: Batarian Codes
  9. Side Quest Bonanza:
  10. N7: Cerberus Scientists
  11. N7: Fuel Reactors & Citadel: Chemical Treatment
  12. Priority: Perseus Veil
  13. Priority: Geth Dreadnought
  14. Rannoch: Admiral Koris & Citadel: Target Jamming Technology
  15. Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons & Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments
  16. Priority: Rannoch

Mass Effect 3 Mission Order Act 3

Mass Effect 3 Act 3 Order

  1. Priority: Citadel III
  2. Priority: Thessia
  3. Priority: Horizon
  4. N7: Communication Hub & Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers
  5. Leviathan Mass Effect 4 DLC: Citadel: Dr. Bryson
  6. Citadel Mass Effect 3 DLC – Citadel: Shore Leave
  7. Silver Coast Casino Infiltration
  8. Citadel Archives: Escape
  9. Citadel Docks: Retake the Normandy
  10. Citadel: Party
  11. Priority: Cerberus Headquarters
  12. Priority: Earth

So that is all for our guide on Mission Order List Of Mass Effect 3. If you would like to know whether to cure Genophage or not in the game, we have a guide on that too for you to check out.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mission Order List Of Mass Effect 3 for more information.

Does Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has a Denuvo DRM? Tue, 08 Jun 2021 11:19:04 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Does Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has a Denuvo DRM? for more information.

Is Mass Effect Legendary Edition cracked or pirated on torrent?

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Does Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has a Denuvo DRM? for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Does Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has a Denuvo DRM? for more information.

Does Mass Effect Legendary Edition have Denuvo DRM? The game has Denuvo DRM on PC. According to a leak on subreddit which is unclear if it is authentic or not, Mass Effect Legendary Edition  Denuvo is removed. The same is shared by the CrackWatch subreddit, but there is no comment from the developer’s end. This can also be a hoax, let’s dig deeper into the Mass Effect non-DRM version.

Is Mass Effect Legendary Edition Denuvo Cracked?

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Denuvo DRM

Piracy is always an issue with video games. This lead to a cracked version of many games circulated on the torrent. Widely shared by modders, the cracked version comes with certain security issues, yet it holds the entire game. Denuvo DRM is introduced to prevent game file modification. Bioware is using the same in many of its titles.

We are trying to find out the authentic source on whether Mass Effect Legendary Edition Denuvo DRM is cracked or not. We will be updating the exact details on the same soon. Yet there is no update on whether the game has prone to piracy. Some Mass Effect Legendary Edition torrents are holding fake files. There is no game in it and also do not trust the patched exe file for Windows 10 PC.

The crackwatch subreddit shares a list of binary files which are linked with the DRM of the game. Based on certain tools there was a hint that certain binaries are moved out of the game. Practically speaking Denuvo has been skipped by the developer after months of launch the game. If performance-related issues are not resolved, then they are left with no choice.

EA games have faced backlash due to performance-related issues due to Denuvo DRM. Even though Denuvo DRM has a serious performance issues, it is used in major titles.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Does Mass Effect Legendary Edition Has a Denuvo DRM? for more information.

How To Clear The Forged ID Mission In Mass Effect 2? Fri, 28 May 2021 15:31:19 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit How To Clear The Forged ID Mission In Mass Effect 2? for more information.

Forged ID Mass Effect 2

This guide will tell you how to clear the Forged ID mission in Mass Effect 2 and what will be the two outcomes.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit How To Clear The Forged ID Mission In Mass Effect 2? for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit How To Clear The Forged ID Mission In Mass Effect 2? for more information.

Forged ID Mass Effect 2

There will come a point in Mass effect 2 where you will get the chance to help Kalara Tomi to board a ship via the Forged ID quest. This quest can have two endings. So here is a walkthrough of the Mass Effect 2 Forged ID quest.

Citadel Forged ID Quest Walkthrough

As you are walking by, you will overhear a dialogue from Kalara Tomi who is sitting on the couch with someone and is sounding displeased. You will hear:

  • ‘I can’t believe these humans. No-fly lists? What have they turned this place into?’

This is your cue to go and interact with her to get the quest. Upon talking to her you will find out that she is having problems with the customs. She has been mistaken as a Geth infiltrator by the council and now cannot board a ship back to Asari space. You will get a number of dialogues to choose from.

These options will help you get an insight into the problem so refrain from choosing renegade options. Choose the options that seem fit that will let you help Tomi which are all the paragon options.

Talk To Tomi

But if you choose all paragon options, you will get the task to talk to the C-Sec customs officer who you will find at the shuttle port. Upon arriving at the C-Sec customs, to the right of the door entrance, you will find the customs officer. Interacting with her, it will be clear that the officer will not out any information saying that it is classified information and she is concerned about Geth infiltration. Choose all the paragon options here in this dialogue. Do not seem commanding and overpowering. Here, preferably choose the ‘They are not Geths’ option. So this will lead to the officer easing down a bit and flagging Tomi’s file for review. This will in turn allow her to travel.

Now you can go back to Tomi and give her the good news. She will be surprised and thankful at the same time.

Flag Case File

Renegade Options Outcome

If you choose renegade options when you initially talk to Tomi, you will have no option to go back and apologize to Tomi. You will clearly offend her and after a fairly lengthy lecture about humankind being bad. This will lead to an argument and you will not get the quest. The interaction will end there.

So that is all for our walkthrough on Forged ID in Mass Effect 2. If you would like to know about the Neural Shock Power in the game, make sure you check that article out too.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit How To Clear The Forged ID Mission In Mass Effect 2? for more information.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Paramour 2 Achievement Not Working (Fix) Fri, 28 May 2021 05:03:02 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition Paramour 2 Achievement Not Working (Fix) for more information.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Paramour 2 Achievement Not Working Fix

Here's why Paramour 2 achievements not working in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition Paramour 2 Achievement Not Working (Fix) for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition Paramour 2 Achievement Not Working (Fix) for more information.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Paramour 2 Achievement Not Working Fix

Paramour 2 achievements in Mass Effect Legendary Edition is not working or unlocking for some. There are doubts among the players about how to achieve this. But there are some bugs in this that prevent some players from getting this. So today’s look into this issue and see the possible fixes you can do.

What is Paramour 2 Achievement?

The Paramour 2 achievement description in Mass Effect Legendary Edition says ‘Establish or rekindle a romantic relationship in two games in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.’   This means once you get Paramour Achievement by having a romantic relationship in one game, you can continue or start a new relationship to unlock Paramour 2. But many players are unable to unlock this reward due to various reasons, including a bug. So let’s look at this reason why.

Paramour 2 Achievement Not Working in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Paramour 2 achievement is not working or unlocking for some, especially if your romance options include Liara. She is a Possible romantic interest for both Male & Female Shepard from Mass Effect 1. This makes her one of the fan favorites. However, rekindling your relationship with Liara in the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC will not gain the Paramour achievement sometimes.

Paramour 2 Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Paramour 2 achievement basically asks you to complete two romance subplots in the trilogy. This may include romancing two different characters across the different games or rekindling your romance from previous games.

Romance Option That Unlocks Paramour 2 & 3

Now you understand the situation with Liara, let’s look at the bug or glitch with Paramour 2. Before stepping into this let’s see which romance options unlock Paramour achievement and which won’t. Here’s the data below:

Mass Effect 1 (All romance subplots grants Paramour)

  • Ashley Williams
  • Kaidan Alenko
  • Liara T’Soni

Having the romantic encounter with the Asari consort does not grant Paramour.

Mass Effect 2 (Romance interests with Paramour)

  • Jack (Male Shepard)
  • Miranda Lawson (Male Shepard)
  • Tali’Zorah (Male Shepard)
  • Garrus Vakarian (Female Shepard)
  • Jacob Taylor (Female Shepard)
  • Thane Krios (Female Shepard)
Below Character Does not grant the Paramour Trophy:
  • Kelly Chambers (Male & female Shepard)
  • Samara (Male & female Shepard)
  • Morinth (Male & female Shepard)

Mass Effect 3

All romance subplots except Thane Krios, Diana Allers, Javik, Samara, and James Vega will grant you Paramour. If you are even looking forward to unlocking Paramour 3 then you have to avoid all the members that do not give you the achievement in each game.

That’s everything you need to know about Paramour 2 achievements not working in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.  If you are wondering if the legacy infinite money glitch still works in the LE version or how to get ‘Shepard Lives Ending’, then take a look at all the Mass Effect Legendary Edition Guides we have.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition Paramour 2 Achievement Not Working (Fix) for more information.

Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Shepard Lives – Good Ending Thu, 27 May 2021 12:50:39 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Shepard Lives – Good Ending for more information.

Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Shepard Lives Ending

Here's how to make sure Shepard lives in Mass Effect Legendary Edition Ending.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Shepard Lives – Good Ending for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Shepard Lives – Good Ending for more information.

Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Shepard Lives Ending

Want to unlock the Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition good pending where Shepard Lives? Well for this you have to do some task. The trilogy of Mass Effect tells the story of how a human commander unites the species of the entire Milky Way galaxy in the fight against reapers. Even though the might of the entire galaxy is not enough for the war, there is an ending that makes sure Shepard lives by the end of Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition.

How to Get Shepard Lives Ending in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition?

To make sure Shepard lives in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition, you need to choose the Red Destruction ending with at least 7800 TMS. In the original Mass Effect 3, you can achieve this ending with just 3100 EMS. TMS and EMS stand for Total Military Strength & Effective Military Strength respectively. After the new rebalance, we don’t have a Readiness Rating which previously halved your TMS, so now TMS and EMS are the same in the LE version. So with 7800 TMS, you can save the Earth, your entire Normandy Squad and even Shepard live at the end.

Mass Effect 3 Shepard Lives Ending

To get this ending, once you talk to the Catalyst (the creator of the Reapers), move towards the Destroy area that he points to and then shoot the red light panel. This will immediately destroy all the reapers in the entire galaxy. But be careful, if you don’t have enough TMS, then you will kill everyone including Shepard, and even vaporize Earth.

Also, even you save Shepard, the downside is that this Destroy (Red) choice will end all synthetic life in the universe including Geth and EDI. And in low TMS the damage to the galaxy increases exponentially. So make sure to have the highest Military Strength to ensure Commander Shepard’s survival.

That’s everything you need to know about how Shepard lives in Mass Effect Legendary Edition Ending. If you want to know how to import Face Codes from your old saves or if you are wondering if the legacy infinite money glitch still works in the LE version, then take a look at all the Mass Effect Legendary Edition Guides we have.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Shepard Lives – Good Ending for more information.

How To Save Captain Kirrahe In Mass Effect? Mon, 24 May 2021 18:25:41 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit How To Save Captain Kirrahe In Mass Effect? for more information.

How To Save Kirrahe

This guide will tell you exactly how you can save Captain Kirrahe in Mass Effect.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit How To Save Captain Kirrahe In Mass Effect? for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit How To Save Captain Kirrahe In Mass Effect? for more information.

How To Save Kirrahe

Virmire’s assault will have the players witness a lot of deaths and losing loves ones from your team in Mass Effect. One among them is Captain Kirrahe. He can however be saved if taken the right decisions. So in this guide, we tell you how to save Kirrahe in Mass Effect.

How to Save Kirrahe in Mass Effect?

There are 4 side missions that you need to complete in order to save Captain Kirrahe in Mass Effect during your attack on Saren’s base. Remember, the sequence to complete these missions is the key to saving Kirrahe. If you jumble up the sequence of the objectives and still finish all four, Kirrahe will be killed. You will have to leave behind a squadmate with the Solarians who will give you these missions over the radio. You need to complete all 4 of them that too in the order given below:

Disrupt Geth communications

Disrupt Geth Communications
As soon as you approach the base, you will get your first objective which will be to destroy the Geth get communication drones at the communication tower. You will be met with a Geth Sniper, a Geth Destroyer, and a Geth Shock Trooper. It will be recommended to camp and use a sniper to take the first two out and then climb the slope of the communication tower and take down the last enemy. On the upper level, you will find the Triangulation tower. Interact with it to deactivate and disrupt the enemy communications. There is some loot there on the same level that you can collect too. This way you will finish the first task to save Kirrahe in Mass Effect.

Destroy the Satellite Uplink

Destroy the Satellite Uplink
Right after the Geth communication tower, you will be tasked to destroy the Satellite Uplink. As you approach the Satellite Uplink Tower, you will see a satellite on the second level of the tower. To take it down, you can simply use a long-range weapon to shoot it down or use a grenade and complete the second step to save Kirrahe in Mass Effect. It will be guarded by a Krogan Warrior and a Geth Sniper. You might have to get inside the tower to take down the warrior, but the only way to destroy this satellite is to actually take it down by shooting it or bombing the satellite part directly. Destroying any other base parts of the satellite in the tower will not destroy the satellite. The tower has some loot too that the players might wanna get.

Destroy the Geth Flyers

Geth Flyers
The next mission will be on the Refueling Platform where you will have to destroy the Geth Rocket drones and Assault drones. You can simply just shoot them down and you will be done with the third mission to save Kirrahe in Mass Effect. There will be 5 of them and will be in the same direction so you do not have to worry about them attacking you from all directions.

Disable Alarms

How To Save Kirrahe in Mass Effect
A squadmate will hack the security console as soon as you reach the main base. Here your squadmate will give you two options: You can cut the alarms or trigger the alarms. Here, select the ‘They’ve got enough trouble’ option to cut the alarms and save Captain Kirrahe in Mass Effect. Triggering the alarm will cause the enemies to divert to the Solarians and Captain Kirrahe will be killed in the fight. So choose to cut the alarms here.

Completing all these tasks in this particular order will save Kirrahe in Mass Effect. So that is all for this guide. If you would like to know how to get peace between the peace outcome between Geth and Quarian, then so check out our guide on that too.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit How To Save Captain Kirrahe In Mass Effect? for more information.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Where Is Father Kyle Mon, 24 May 2021 10:23:47 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Where Is Father Kyle for more information.

Where Is Father Kyle In Mass Effect Legendary Edition

This guide will show you how to find Father Kyle in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Where Is Father Kyle for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Where Is Father Kyle for more information.

Where Is Father Kyle In Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Major Kyle has gone rogue in Mass Effect Legendary Edition and has gone down the spiritual route to become Father Kyle. However, his newfound spiritual reckoning has not made any change to his ruthlessness. And now your Commander Shepard has been tasked with bringing him to justice. So, let’s see how to get to Father Kyle in MELE.

Where to find Father Kyle in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Where Is Father Kyle In Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Father Kyle is seen on Presrop, the moon of Klendagon.

You can find Father Kyle on Presrop, the moon of Klendagon. Presrop is in the Century system of the Hawking Eta cluster. You will be able to see two buildings in the compound on Presrop. Go over to the prefab two-story building. When you reach the door, a conversation will begin with a guard. Choose the ‘ I want to talk to the man in charge’ option so that you avoid unnecessary bloodshed. However, you will need to have a high Charm/Intimidate stat in order to get this option.

Try resolving the issue as peacefully as possible. Otherwise, you are just going to get stuck up somewhere. Use your Renegade and Paragon points wisely so that you get through without hiccups. Once you are inside, do not attempt to kill or injure anyone and just be the saint that you are. Head over to the circular building that is across the main building. Head over to the rear end of the facility. Here you will find Father Kyle in all his delusional glory.

You can even have a look at this video guide below to easily get to Father Kyle in MELE.

So this was everything about How to find Father Kyle in Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition. While you are here make sure you check out the Mass Effect Wiki page to learn more about the game.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Where Is Father Kyle for more information.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Wrex’s Family Armor? Sat, 22 May 2021 20:33:50 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Wrex’s Family Armor? for more information.

Mass effect legendary edition wrex family armor

Let's see how to get Wrex's family armor in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Wrex’s Family Armor? for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Wrex’s Family Armor? for more information.

Mass effect legendary edition wrex family armor

Wrex is one of the most loved characters from the original Mass effect installment. While the Legendary edition doesn’t add much to his storyline there is already enough of Wrex for players. There are some missions as well which help you know more about Wrex’s history. Completing these missions helps you get Wrex’s loyalty as well. This becomes very important throughout the game and especially during the final suicide mission of Mass Effect 2. Let’s see how to get the Wrex Family Armor in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

How To Get The Wrex Family Armor In Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

Wrex’s family armor has been on a planet name Tuntau since the Krogan Rebellions. You can get the mission on Shepard’s journal by simply talking to Wrex on the Normandy and use all the dialogue options. After some conversations, he will tell you about his past. How he was cheated by his father and how to get Wrex’s Family armor. Another way of getting the mission is you directly land on Tuntau and look for the person who has the armor. You will find the person in the Phoenix system on Tuntau.

After landing on Tuntau players can find the Actus base towards the south of where they land. The base will be guarded by enemies so fill your arsenal accordingly. Beware as there will be lots of guards inside as well. The guards will be easy to defeat as they are pirates. Once you are done with them head to the top floor of the base. You can find a safe containing the armor, it will be encrypted but can be overridden and decrypted easily. We recommend you take Wrex on the mission with you as when you get the armor he will comment on the armor triggering another conversation. The conversation won’t make any difference but completing the mission will certainly get you Wrex’s loyalty which will help you save everyone on the final suicide mission.

That’s all for this one, do check out our article to know how to get more Probes in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Wrex’s Family Armor? for more information.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Zaeed’s Loyalty? Sat, 22 May 2021 20:22:21 +0000 Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Zaeed’s Loyalty? for more information.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Zaeed loyalty

Here's how to get Zaeed's loyalty in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Zaeed’s Loyalty? for more information.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Zaeed’s Loyalty? for more information.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Zaeed loyalty

Zaeed was one of the DLC characters in Mass Effect 2. In the Legendary Edition, players unlock him during the due course of the game as all the DLC’s are integrated. Players unlock other squad member’s loyalty missions as they progress through the main storyline. You unlock Zaeed’s loyalty mission the moment you recruit him as the whole DLC is integrated and accessible through recruiting Zaeed. Let’s see how to complete the mission and get Zaeed’s loyalty in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

How To Get Zaeed’s Loyalty In Mass Effect Legendary Edition?

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Zaeed loyalty
Zaeed’s loyalty mission is called Zaeed: The Price of Revenge, to complete it Shepard and Zaeed have to free a refinery kept hostage by the Blue suns mercenary group. The leader of the mercenary group is Vido Santiago, arch-rival of Zaeed. At a certain point in the mission, Shepard has to choose between saving the hostages of the refinery or killing Vido. Shepard has to convince Zaeed to look above his anger and save the refinery instead of killing Vido. Convincing Zaeed will complete the mission and help you earn Zaeed’s loyalty.

How To Complete The Mission?

The mission takes place at the Ismar frontier system. As usual, you will have to fight your way through some guards to reach inside where you find Vido. Zaeed shoots a pipe impulsively which starts a fire. You can either save the people of the refinery or chase Vido. The correct way to end the mission is by saving the people and then using the charm option to convince Zaeed. This will get you Zaeed’s loyalty but for this, you need to have a high Paragon score. If you choose to save the people and then choose “you owe me big for this” or “Come on Zaeed. Let’s go” you will not gain Zaeed’s loyalty. You can always chase after Vido and let the people burn, this will get you Zaeed’s loyalty but is the Renegade option.

Players get to know about the mission the moment you recruit Zaeed from the Omega. Saving the people of the refinery is the only condition he has when joining the team. You can do the mission immediately or after some time as well. To convince Zaeed you will need some paragon points. We advise you to collect these and then go for the mission.

That’s all for this one, do check out our article to know how to get Wrex’s family armor in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Mass Effect Legendary Edition: How To Get Zaeed’s Loyalty? for more information.
